Friday, November 2, 2012

A Slower Speed of Light Official Trailer — MIT Game Lab

Have you had a hunger for video games that science ties into lately?
Well, search no further!
A game was developed, called A Slower Speed of Light. It implements gameplay that involves changing the speed of light of your surroundings as you collect different things.
The object of the game is to collect orbs, strewn about the area, and as you collect each orb, the speed of light relative to the space around the character is slowed.
As you collect more and more orbs, the perils of relativity are shown more and more.
I'll just let you see for yourself.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Stravinsky : Firebird Suite (1945 Edition)

And, sharing my love of classical music, this is one of my favorite pieces by Stravinsky.
The man was a genius.
This makes for awesome background music, so please, give it a listen.

- Gliss

Wha-! What is this place? And who are you??

Hello, dear readers.

I am a blogger, and I want to make a few things clear to the newer people on the site.
Indeed, this blog will cover many things, video games, fascinating pictures, botany, musicals, the sciences, Shakespeare, Russian novels, salsa dancing, philosophy, cooking, books, and crafting, among other thing, but this blog will have a tendency to be tastefully eclectic.
This place, I hope, will not just be a blog. I wish for it to be a place of imagination and fascination, joy and constantly shifting views of the current zeitgeist.
Postmodernism is a wonderful thing, especially when combined with the rest of the avant-garde movements throughout history, and I want to share that wonder with the internet.
Even so, I am an avid practitioner of the arts of the International Baccalaureate Programme, and thus, will not always be able to post. A thousand premature apologies, lovely people, but this is going to be a secondary activity in my world, and I unfortunately cannot help that.
I hope you will all enjoy the show. I am certain that I will.

- Gliss